
1) We are opening for 3 Master + 2 PhD positions at the QMAT Group:

The candidates will work on the different research topics of QMAT group, including:

Supervisor: QMAT group's principal investigators 

Salary: > 4 million VND/month, depending on the candidate's skills and quality.

Duration: 2 year but extendable. 

Benefit: the candidates will have the opportunity to apply for the fellowship for the Master program at the Faculty of Material Sciences and Engineering, Phenikaa University, or the PhD program at Phenikaa Institute of Advanced Study, and also have support for participating in the workshops and schools. 

What can gain: The candidate will be taught the knowledge and skills helping them to work in both academics and industry. 

Career: After graduate, we will introduce for job position in industry or for further graduate study abroad.

Minimum qualifications: Bachelor's degree in mathematics, physics, chemistry, materials science ... with experience in computing.

Desired qualifications: (plus point for having one of the qualifications)

    If you have any interest, please send us an email to qmat@phenikaa-uni.edu.vn, or to the group's principal investigators. 

2) We are also welcoming Undergraduate Students to join our group

If you have any interest, please send us an email to qmat@phenikaa-uni.edu.vn, or to the group's principal investigators.